Join us on Tuesday, October 24 for the final webinar of Fall 2023 for Referees!
Our Continuing Education – Lifelong Learning Webinar Series aims to help referees and referee mentors/coaches increase their knowledge and improve their officiating skills. Each session in this year’s webinar series will include topics which are especially valuable to the corresponding license type. The next interactive webinar of the series will cover: Officiating the Adult Game.
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Time: 7:00-8:30 PM Central
Location: Zoom (link to be sent)
Currently the webinar is only open to Referees (formerly Grassroots). Please note, attendance for this Zoom Webinar is limited to 500 attendees. Registration DOES NOT guarantee attendance in the webinar. Attendance is on a first come-first served basis.
If you are available to attend the full duration of the webinar, please complete the Registration Form.
The Registration Form can be accessed by copying and pasting the link: (https://ussoccer.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MogXDvzXQKC4Y1KwZ8yZvQ) to your browser.
The Registration Form will be available until capacity is reached. Given the limited seating, please only register if you are able to attend.
Once your registration is approved, you will receive the Zoom link to attend.
Contact referee@ussoccer.org if you have any questions regarding the webinar; copy and paste the following phrase in the subject line of your email:
OCT 24 – Referee Webinar.
We look forward to seeing you!
Notes: The meeting/webinar, including but not limited to content, topic, date, and location, is “subject to change” without notification. Limited space is available. This invitation and/or an individual’s registration does not guarantee that an individual will receive the link to join and attend the meeting/webinar. This webinar will NOT be recorded. Additional webinars/meetings will be scheduled in the future.